Mr. Octopus has recently shut down his factory and want to sell off his metal rods to a local businessman.
In order to maximize profit, he should sell the metal of same size and shape. If he sells metal rods of length , he receives N x L x metal_price. The remaining smaller metal rods will be thrown away. To cut the metal rods, he needs to pay cost_per_cut for every cut.
What is the maximum amount of money Mr. Octopus can make?
Input Format
First line of input contains cost_per_cut
Second line of input contains metal_price
Third line contains L, the number of rods Mr. Octopus has, followed by L integers in each line representing length of each rod.
First line of input contains cost_per_cut
Second line of input contains metal_price
Third line contains L, the number of rods Mr. Octopus has, followed by L integers in each line representing length of each rod.
Output Format
Print the result corresponding to the testcase.
Print the result corresponding to the testcase.
1 <= metal_price, cost_per_cut <= 1000
1 <= L <= 50
Each element of lenghts will lie in range [1, 10000].
1 <= metal_price, cost_per_cut <= 1000
1 <= L <= 50
Each element of lenghts will lie in range [1, 10000].
Sample Input#00
Sample Output#00
Explanation Here cuts are pretty cheap. So we can make large number of cuts to reduce the amount of wood wasted. Most optimal lengths of rods will be . So we will cut pieces of length from rod, and throw peice of length from it. Similarly we will cut pieces of length from rod and throw away a piece of length . From rod, we will cut pieces of length and throw a piece of length . So in total we have pieces of length and we have made cuts also. So total profit is
Sample Input#01
Sample Output#01
Explanation Here we will throw smallest rod entirely and cut the pieces of length 51 from both left. So profit is
public static int maxProfit(int cost, int price, List<Integer> rods){
int upper = 0;
for(int rod: rods){
upper = Math.max(rod,upper);
int max = 0;
for(int cutLen = 1; cutLen <= upper; cutLen++){
max = Math.max(max,profit(cost,price,cutLen,rods));
return max;
public static int profit(int cost, int price, int cutLen, List<Integer> rods){
int sum = 0;
for(int rod: rods){
//cut each rod
if(rod < cutLen){
int cutCount = rod%cutLen == 0? rod/cutLen-1 : rod/cutLen;
int count = rod/cutLen;
sum += Math.max(0,price*cutLen*count - cutCount*cost);
return sum;